Embedded Systems Solutions


Driving Washing machine

A washing machine design based on a PIC18 controller. The Software written in C using the MPLABX IDE and the testing completed using the PICSimLab simulator.


Counter Down timer

A countdown timer comprised of four 7-segment displays.


Snap Shooting

Snapshotting multiple shoots and save it on a FTB Server using the Raspberry Pi and Python. 


NFC & RFID Reader

Developing java libraries to drive the LED Matrix & LCD with the Mini-PC (Raspberry Pi) is the most challenge in this project.





NFC & RFID Reader

Developing java libraries to drive the LED Matrix & LCD with the Mini-PC (Raspberry Pi) is the most challenge in this project.





Alexa (Amazon Echo)

Our solution was based on a Raspberry Pi 3 as home automation device with Alexa. This project allows you to control multiple devices connected to Raspberry Pi 3 with voice command. You are able to control GPIO pins thus control GPIO connected devices.



Our IoT mouse/rat trap detects the status of the trap with automatic alerts for open, closed or closed with a catch. With the advanced LoRa technology, communication which runs through your private or public network and connects with your series of traps which are in your coverage area.



Driving LED Matrix & 20x4 LCD using Raspberry Pi (Java)

A NFC/RFID Reader using Pn532 V3 module and a microcontroller. The Pn532 module supports communication with (Mifare 1k, 4k, Ultralight, and DesFire cards, ISO/IEC 14443-4 cards such as CD97BX, CD light, Desfire, P5CN072 (SMX), Innovision Jewel cards such as IRT5001 card, FeliCa cards such as RCS_860 and RCS_854) Up to 5cm~7cm reading distance.


Internet Radio

An Internet Radio using the Raspberry PI and 2 x 16 character LCD with HD44780 controller.


Scanning QR Codes

Our solution was based on a Webcam and a Raspberry Pi to Scan QR Codes in Real-Time with Python.