Our Portfolio

IOT Solutions

IOT Solutions

We have delivered a wide set of IoT projects for clients from different countries such as 
Development of IoT devices & dashboards, Wearable devices, Cloud solutions, Battery management, Data analysis, and machine learning.


Real-Time Traffic Jam Solution

Nowadays most of us use mobiles apps to find out the clearest road to go through to save our time. What if we developed a solution that does the same function but without the need to even use your smart phone, just by looking at street signs.
To test our solution, we implemented in 3 main areas that have high traffic flow to find out how the people are going to react with it. The places are Congress Center Lisboa, Municipality of Cascais and Guincho Beach.


Solar Powered Restrooms

The first IOT-Toilet in Dubai without any infrastructure.
We designed two IoT boards, The first one monitor the sceptic & water tanks level, The second one control & monitor the ceiling fans, fan speed depends on the room temperature, Light, Extractor fan and Speaker.


Toilet paper Monitoring

Monitoring the toilet papers and get an alarm when the papers approaching to finish using a mobile app.


IOT-enables devices

A Smart Wi-Fi outlet and plug have been proven to be effective in reducing energy bills. They add convenience to any appliance and keep unused appliances turned off reducing “standby” consumption. You’ll be able to turn devices on and off remotely from anywhere with an Internet connection, set automation rules for intelligent home behavior that adapts to your own lifestyle and usage habits, and monitor power consumption in real time.



IOT-enables devices

A Smart Wi-Fi outlet and plug have been proven to be effective in reducing energy bills. They add convenience to any appliance and keep unused appliances turned off reducing “standby” consumption. You’ll be able to turn devices on and off remotely from anywhere with an Internet connection, set automation rules for intelligent home behavior that adapts to your own lifestyle and usage habits, and monitor power consumption in real time.



Home Automation

A multiple LORA devices to monitor the home like Fire detection device & Temperature & Humidity detection device & Security devices.



Embedded Systems Solutions

Embedded Systems Solutions

we’re positioning ourselves as a hardware house and we are offering our clients a set of embedded system services. 


Driving Washing machine

A washing machine design based on a PIC18 controller. The Software written in C using the MPLABX IDE and the testing completed using the PICSimLab simulator.


Counter Down timer

A countdown timer comprised of four 7-segment displays.


Snap Shooting

Snapshotting multiple shoots and save it on a FTB Server using the Raspberry Pi and Python. 


NFC & RFID Reader

Developing java libraries to drive the LED Matrix & LCD with the Mini-PC (Raspberry Pi) is the most challenge in this project.





NFC & RFID Reader

Developing java libraries to drive the LED Matrix & LCD with the Mini-PC (Raspberry Pi) is the most challenge in this project.





Alexa (Amazon Echo)

Our solution was based on a Raspberry Pi 3 as home automation device with Alexa. This project allows you to control multiple devices connected to Raspberry Pi 3 with voice command. You are able to control GPIO pins thus control GPIO connected devices.



Our IoT mouse/rat trap detects the status of the trap with automatic alerts for open, closed or closed with a catch. With the advanced LoRa technology, communication which runs through your private or public network and connects with your series of traps which are in your coverage area.



Driving LED Matrix & 20x4 LCD using Raspberry Pi (Java)

A NFC/RFID Reader using Pn532 V3 module and a microcontroller. The Pn532 module supports communication with (Mifare 1k, 4k, Ultralight, and DesFire cards, ISO/IEC 14443-4 cards such as CD97BX, CD light, Desfire, P5CN072 (SMX), Innovision Jewel cards such as IRT5001 card, FeliCa cards such as RCS_860 and RCS_854) Up to 5cm~7cm reading distance.


Internet Radio

An Internet Radio using the Raspberry PI and 2 x 16 character LCD with HD44780 controller.


Scanning QR Codes

Our solution was based on a Webcam and a Raspberry Pi to Scan QR Codes in Real-Time with Python.



Machine Vision Solutions

Machine Vision Solutions

we can’t turn a blind eye to the importance of image processing in error detection, and this is a high tech solution we are offering to facilitate some of our clients operations


Facial Recognition

Employees attendance system while registering the face, it captures the relative face position, size and shape of user’s eyes, nose, cheekbones and jaw features. So even some time the employee wear the spectacles & getting fat also not affected. The system can perfectly match & verify the employee.


Dates grading Machine

A machine with powerful features to revolutionize the electronic sorting and grading of Dates automatically with high accuracy in real-time using Machine Vision technologies.


Baby Monitoring

A Camera that works as extra eyes and ears to help give parents peace of mind. With the right monitor, you’ll never need to peek inside the nursery to see what your baby’s doing. Temperature sensors, automatic mobile notifications and two-way audio are just a few of the baby monitor features that help parents stay connected to their bundle of joy.


Footfall Counter

people counting solution to optimize business operations efficiently. The people counter offer a comprehensive understanding of consumer activities so you can drive business growth



Footfall Counter

people counting solution to optimize business operations efficiently. The people counter offer a comprehensive understanding of consumer activities so you can drive business growth



Drowsiness Detection

A detection system that identifies key attributes of drowsiness and triggers an alert when driver is drowsy before it is too late.